The Seven Steps to Sacred Fertility Yoga Online Program

Learn the exact practices that I used to get pregnant naturally at age 45, after failed fertility treatments, miscarriage and being told my eggs were too old!

An Eight week transformational program based on the wisdom teaching of Yoga, modern science, my experience guiding hundreds of women on their fertility journey and my own fertility triumph. 

See if you are a good fit for the program

As Featured In


You’re a Mature Professional Woman Who
 Wants To Get Pregnant

Have you tried everything to conceive with no luck?   Have you worked with Fertility Specialists, Acupuncturists, Naturopaths, and other Fertility Experts? And you are still not pregnant? In this program, I promise not only to teach you, but to guide you, to provide emotional support and encouragement. To help you feel safe and calm, to inspire you, to create a loving community filled with hope, and faith.

  • 01
    Learn how Yoga Poses can improve reproductive functioning, balance hormones, and improve egg quality.
  • 02
    Discover how Yoga Breathing can help to clear emotional blocks, release trauma, and open your energetic field to become a mother.
  • 03
    Experience Yoga Meditation practices, to awaken your intuition, soothe your soul and connect you to your spirit baby.


Have you followed the advice of all the fertility experts, and you are still not pregnant?
  • Feel like your doctors don’t really understand you and are treating you like everyone else.
  • Are trying so hard to do everything right, but you continue to be disappointed each month.
  • Are experiencing a roller coaster of emotions and you just want to be at peace.
  • Feel exhausted from constantly trying to stay positive and but aren’t ready to give up.
  • Are yearning to meet your beautiful baby and are ready to try something new that works.

Lauren, I am so excited to share with you that we welcomed our baby boy Luke Morris into the world on Saturday at 12:07 am. He is happy and healthy and we are in love ! Thank You! Update! In other news, I wanted to share with you that we are 36 weeks pregnant with a baby girl! We beyond excited and I credit a lot of the work done through your program with getting us to this point with our family!



The Seven Steps to Sacred Fertility Group Coaching Program

There is nothing more effective than being guided by a personal mentor. It is my heartfelt desire to share the wisdom I gained and walk with you in full support and nurturing guidance as you navigate your path to pregnancy success!

  • Live Group Coaching

    I will be there every step of the way to answer your questions, provide inspiration, comfort and encourage you. 

  • Transformative Yoga

    A series of Fertility Yoga classes for each stage of your cycle to help balance hormones, improve egg quality and boost your reproductive functioning.

  • Inspirational Fertility

    Recorded  Fertility Meditations designed to help you heal your emotions, calm and relax your mind, tap into your intuition, and connect with your spirit baby.  

  • Home Practice

    I will review your home practice assignments each step of the way and provide constructive personal feedback to help you succeed.

  • Fertility Resource

    Resource lists where I will share all of the tools that helped me to conceive naturally on my fertility journey

  • Sacred Fertility Yoga

    This book holds all of my Yoga secrets that helped me to get pregnant naturally at age 45!

  • Supportive Private

    You will be part of an amazing group of hand-selected like-minded women who will be there to support you throughout the program.

Learn More About The Sacred Fertility Yoga Program

This is for you if:

  • Have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility and want to heal your body so that you can conceive.
  • Were told your eggs are too old, and you are looking to rejuvenate your body and improve egg quality.
  • Have had a failed fertility treatments and are ready to be successful next cycle.
  • Are Juggling career, life and fertility, feeling overwhelmed with it all and looking for support by a mentor with expert guidance.
  • Have tried everything, are ready to have a family, and want to explore the magic of Yoga.
This is not for you if:
  • You are looking for quick results without using the practices needed for the transformation of your mind body and spirit.
  • Are not fully committed to becoming the best version of you so that you can connect with the soul of your spirit baby and trust they are coming.
  • You do not have the time, energy, financial resources to get pregnant.

Follow These Steps To Have The Family Of Your Dreams


Intro: Mindset

I absolutely believe our mindset has an impact on our fertility. One of the most powerful shifts that allowed me to get pregnant was not something happening on a physical level but was related to a significant shift in my beliefs.



In the Yoga tradition, we believe the body is the temple that houses the divine spirit. Unfortunately, we live in a time when our food and our environment is loaded with toxins. Those toxins are not what we want in our bodies, and they are not what we want affecting our unborn child.



Exercising, such as practicing Yoga, has been proven to balance hormones and optimize fertility. The key is to exercise enough, but not too much. The idea is to create a shift that improves or increases your mental and physical energy.



Lauren’s training as a psychoanalytic psycho- therapist brings deep insight in to how our emotional state effects our fertility. The energy field plays a huge part in our fertility. The psycho-emotional energy can often cause blocks to conception



Stress has been proven to be one of the major blocks to fertility. One of the key techniques to finding balance is Yogic breathing, or Pranayama. This practice has been proven to lower stress and science confirms reducing stress increases our chances for pregnancy.



No doubt your path to fertility has led you to seek counsel from many; doctors, healers, family, friends, books, psychics, alternative medicine practitioners. Meditation brings us into connection with the most important voice of all, your inner wisdom.



Faith is the most powerful practice. It provides you with the strength that you need to keep going. It will not only teach you to love yourself, love others, to celebrate life and reveal the experience of inner bliss and joy but it will show you how to connect with your spirit baby.



The most difficult part of the fertility journey for most women is riding the waves of disappointment on the emotional roller coaster. So much time, energy, hope and money is invested into the process. Learning to let go was the key to my fertility triumph.

After taking this course, you will...
  • You will have a positive mindset with specific tools to shift you into a place of hope and faith. You will feel happy!
  • You will feel cleansed and toxin free on a physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. You will be in the perfect place to manifest!
  • You will feel strong, flexible, and healthy in your body.  You will have a dedicated Yoga practice to keep you in your optimal shape for life.
  • Your energy field will be clear of emotional blocks. You will be in the perfect energetic state to attract your baby.
  • Your intuition will be awakened. You will feel clear and connected to your inner wisdom.
  • You will have a newfound faith in yourself and your body. You will have all the tools to communicate with your spirit baby
  • You will have the rituals to heal your past trauma, and you will be ready to let go of all that does not serve you and step into your greatest power!


Pregnant with Twins

Lauren, I will forever be grateful for the wonderful information you shared with me on my Fertility journey. Within three months of taking your course, I became pregnant with my TWIN girls! My husband and I had struggled to conceive all three of our children and by combining your teachings with ART we now have a complete family! We are so blessed to have full arms and full hearts!


The Timing Came Perfectly

Lauren, I just wanted to thank you so much for your program. The timing came perfectly as I embarked on my first round of IVF. The meditations and breathing exercises kept me calm during the whole process - I practice the breathing exercises all the time when I feel myself getting stressed at work. Going into IVF, I didn’t know what to expect. I was extremely thrilled when I learned they retrieved 12 eggs which brought us our beautiful twin girls. I truly do not believe I would have had those types of results if I hadn’t had your program.


When you enroll, you'll also get these
awesome bonuses:


The Top Three Yoga Practices That Helped Lauren Conceive Naturally Workshop

In this workshop Lauren will share powerful yet simple practices from the Yoga tradition that will help to rejuvenate your body, clear your energy field, open your heart and awaken your spirit. These practices will help to balance your hormones, boost your egg quality, and awaken your reproductive system so you can get pregnant naturally.  


Sacred Mindset Manifesting Practice

In this powerful manifesting meditation Lauren guides you in a journey through the chakras. We will explore each of the seven energy centers,  clear any stagnant energy and open to the healing potential within to clear the pathway for manifesting your dreams.


5 Elements Yoga Nidra and Sound Healing Practice

In this guided Yoga Nidra practice (Yogic sleep) Lauren takes you on a journey into the unconscious mind. In this space you will release negative energy and patterns . Once removed this will open your mind and your heart to becoming a radiant receptive vessel for your baby to come in.


Hi, I'm Lauren, Creator of Sacred Fertility Yoga

How It All Started

For 5 years, I tried to get pregnant. I had followed all the advice of the western Fertility doctors. I also consulted with every fertility expert out there including coaches, acupuncturists, energy healers, shaman, reiki masters, nutritionists and more.

When nothing worked, I turned to my Yoga practice and got pregnant naturally at age 45 and had my beautiful perfect baby girl Jaya at 46! After my fertility triumph, friends, family and students would send everyone they knew struggling with fertility to me.

When I realized how much passion I had for helping other women achieve the same amazing results that I had, I decided to create my program,  Sacred Fertility Yoga. I wanted to share my wisdom and help professional women over, 40 get pregnant naturally no matter how high the odds were stacked against them.


I discovered during this time of self-exploration is that there were certain techniques that I already knew from my own experience of practicing and studying Yoga for over 30 years, that the medical experts weren’t talking about.

Getting pregnant is more than just the scientific union of sperm and egg coming together. Sure, it's important to have healthy eggs and sperm but there's so much more to getting pregnant than that.

In the system of Yoga the Self is seen as having many layers, and when we are trying to conceive it's critical to treat all of them. The physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects must all be healed to create life.

And when I began to apply those principles in my own life, it was unbelievable, but I witnessed a significant shift, and my fertility blossomed

I felt my body, mind and spirit changing. I knew in my soul I was to become a mother. Shortly after I had my first natural pregnancy and delivered my beautiful perfect healthy baby girl at age 46.


The Same Positive Outcome is Waiting for You. I can guide you using the magical practices of Yoga to support and empower you on your fertility journey!  

  • And not just any guidance, but the guidance of a mature professional woman with experience and expertise who can guide you and support you on your path.
  • By now you've most likely hired the best fertility clinic, googled fertility solutions, listened to every fertility podcast, revamped your diet and added a ton of supplements
  • Without the proper guidance and support of a mentor, it's highly unlikely that your situation is going to shift anytime soon


Thank You for Helping Me Shift Something Inside

Thank you for your kindness and generosity and for sharing your unbelievable gift with me and so many women who struggle to get pregnant. My son, Callen Jackson, will be 5 months old on December 10th. He is perfect and wonderful and his big sister adores him! Thank you for helping "shift" something inside of me to be able to welcome the life I was meant to carry and bring to this world. I am eternally grateful to you and send you my thanks, appreciation and love!


My Prayers have finally been answered!

My Prayers have finally been answered! I wanted to let you know that my prayers have finally been answered! Tomorrow I will be 13 weeks with twins. I was following your steps and listening to your meditations and did a full review of all your materials before our last embryo transfer. It was our last two embryos before having to start all over again...funny how it turned out that both stuck after 10 months of disappointments. Thank you so much for everything to help me get through that difficult process!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I Have toBe an Experienced Yoga Practitioner to Take This Course.

    No, absolutely not, the course is designed for beginner to advanced I will teach you all of the best Yoga techniques that are best for boosting your fertility.

  • Will This Course Guarantee I Get Pregnant?

    Will This Course Guarantee I Get Pregnant? I cannot guarantee that you will get pregnant but I can tell you that many of the women that have taken this course have had positive pregnancies. You can read my testimonials to hear some of their stories.

  • How Much Time Do I have to Dedicate Each Week?

    We have a one hour live meeting with the group and then you will need to dedicate about 20 to 60 minutes per day to practice the techniques that you learn each week. The more time that you put in the better results you will see.

  • How Is This Program Different From The Other Fertility Coaching Programs?

    This program is based on my personal experience of getting pregnant naturally at age 45 using the wisdom of Yoga. These practices are ancient and powerful and designed to help you move through blocks and manifest your dreams.

  • How Do You Think You Were Able To Get Pregnant at Age 45?

    I truly believe I was able to get pregnant because of the amazing practice of Yoga. And not only did these practices help me to get pregnant they helped me to stay pregnant and to feel confident and at ease as a new mother.

  • What If I Take the Course and Don’t See Any Results Can I Get My Money Back?

    Yes, after the first 7 days, if you commit to all of the practices that I teach you and you do not feel a shift in your energy, a more calm clear mind and overall happier, I will refund your money.


It’s time to Open Your Soul to Your Spirit Baby

I have had the amazing exp erience of being in direct contact with the soul of my sweet baby girl before she was conceived.

We all have the ability to awaken our intuition and connect to our beautiful spirit baby. I will teach you the practices to clear the emotional blocks, relieve your stress, let go of your fear, and open your heart to invite your sweet baby in to your life.


  • You will feel more alive and energized
  • You will be connected to your deepest happiness and joy.
  • You will feel a deep sigh and release of the stress and overwhelm.
  • You will have a newfound sense of clarity.
  • You will feel safe, held and supported.
  • You will be READY to bring your baby in!


Thank You for Helping Me Shift Something Inside

Thank you for your kindness and generosity and for sharing your unbelievable gift with me and so many women who struggle to get pregnant. My son, Callen Jackson, will be 5 months old on December 10th. He is perfect and wonderful and his big sister adores him! Thank you for helping "shift" something inside of me to be able to welcome the life I was meant to carry and bring to this world. I am eternally grateful to you and send you my thanks, appreciation and love!


My Prayers have finally been answered!

My Prayers have finally been answered! I wanted to let you know that my prayers have finally been answered! Tomorrow I will be 13 weeks with twins. I was following your steps and listening to your meditations and did a full review of all your materials before our last embryo transfer. It was our last two embryos before having to start all over again...funny how it turned out that both stuck after 10 months of disappointments. Thank you so much for everything to help me get through that difficult process!